SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


The use of solar street lamp energy saving effects have so good?

by:SRS     2021-04-02
The use of solar street lamp energy saving effects have so good? For a lot of people have heard of solar street lamps, so use this lamp its energy saving effect is good? Content, this is everybody want to know, if you want to know about the content, this let me take a look at the following introduction. According to the author learned condition, using solar energy street light its energy saving effect is very considerable. In general, every street lamp its solar power generation system can satisfy the demand of its own. Even under special circumstances, the capacity can't meet the demand, it also is to have stored electric device, can satisfy the requirements of the lighting. Can say in the process of its use is almost don't have to come in through the municipal lighting power supply system, its power would be enough to use demand. And a small street lamp a night of electricity may not too big, and if the street lamp, add up a year of power consumption will be very considerable, so to see the solar street light in the field of energy saving effect is very significant.
clean solar panels?
clean solar panels? Due to the solar panels are perennial exposed to outdoor, hard to avoid can touch dirt and bird droppings and leaves, so the solar panel needs to be regular and irregular inspection and cleaning, so how solar panels are clean? If the solar street light is not very high, such as 3 m - 6 meters of solar street lamp, with a bamboo pole can reach, we can use the bamboo pole attached to the method of brush to clean, can also on the brush with detergent to scrub, after washing evaluated using the method of bamboo tied to a rag to wipe. If it is not a bird droppings, accumulated on the panels just ordinary dirt, can use water cannons flush. If the lamp is too high, more than 8 meters or 12 meters, general bamboo pole are not enough, can use the truck for cleaning, if there is no truck, solar street lamp can be put down to clean.
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