SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


The composition and working principle of solar street lights

by:SRS     2021-06-07
The design of the solar street light is to use the energy of the sun to absorb the heat, which can be released at night for lighting. have no impact on the environment and are a kind of green and environmentally friendly energy-saving lights. I believe that everyone is not familiar with some working principles of solar street lights. For this problem, I can follow the editor to learn more about it.  The composition of solar street light  The lamp holder of solar solar street light generally uses 1W LED as the light source. The composition of solar street light includes batteries, LED lamp holders, lamp poles and so on. The battery plays a key role in solar street light. The battery of the general solar street light uses a colloidal battery. This battery has a longer service life than other batteries, which can be as long as 4 to 5 years. Therefore, this solar street light can save a lot of resources and reduce costs. Waste.  The solar solar street lamp has a long lifespan  The components of the solar street lamp are specially researched, and they are all quality guaranteed, the control system is also very good, and the quality of the accessories is very reliable. The working principle of solar street lights. use the principle of photovoltaic effect to make solar panels. can absorb the heat of the sun during the day and use it as the output of electrical energy. At this time, the heat energy cannot be absorbed. At this time, the voltage of the solar panel is 4.5V, so that the battery discharges the lamp cap. The solar street light will turn on. After a night of lighting, the charge and discharge controller will stop working during the day, and the solar street light will turn off. Therefore, the charge and discharge controller can protect the battery of the solar solar street lamp, and control the time of turning on and turning off the lights.   After reading these, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the working principle and related content of the solar street lights introduced by the editor above! I hope that reading the above content will help you to some extent.
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