SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


LED solar street light is one of the countries vigorously promote green efficient lighting products

by:SRS     2021-06-26
National vigorously promote green efficient lighting lamps and lanterns, and gradually popular alternatives to traditional inefficient lighting light source. Key in factories, office buildings, municipal landscape lighting, public facilities, lighting, traffic lights and other places, to promote efficiency of LED solar street light, fluorescent light, integrated solar solar street lamp, landscape lamp, high-pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp and so on efficient lighting source. Intensify policy guide and encourage, promote the enterprise, office, residential construction application of solar energy and other green energy. To strengthen the energy science and technology progress and innovation, promote clean coal utilization, improve energy efficiency.
LED solar solar street light energy-saving renovation project through the national fire
it is understood that since the LED solar street lamp manufacturers to launch , rural urban comprehensive launched a municipal street lamps energy-saving renovation project. According to the project, municipal engineering management office successively for primary and secondary trunk road sections such as street lamps energy-saving renovation, from the traditional street lamp replacement into LED energy-saving lamps. LED lighting market is an important no country can seize the opportunity, because it is a revolution of light, is the representative of a better life. solar street lamp manufacturer of LED products, basically reached the people accept the sweet spot, therefore, LED lighting penetration continues to rise can be expected.

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