SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


How to choose solar solar street light manufacturers

by:SRS     2021-07-02
In recent years, solar street lights have been accepted by many cities in China. Some mountain roads have also adopted solar street light, which saves a lot of time for street light maintenance personnel, and also reduces the city's electricity economic expenditure. Recently, many customers are preparing to start large-scale purchases. For solar street lights, the first choice of solar solar street light manufacturers is a very critical issue. This article will introduce how to choose solar street light manufacturers.  1. Look at the qualifications of solar street light manufacturers.    A formal solar street light manufacturer must have business manufacturing, industrial and commercial registration certificates, and some large factory honors, such as national inspection-free products, and other certificates and plaques. Customers can visit the factory. 2. Look at the customer cases of solar street light manufacturers. Many companies now have their own official website. A regular solar solar street light manufacturer must have its own website. Customers can find customer cases by visiting the solar street light manufacturer website, click to browse, and call Consult the customers that this manufacturer has served before, and ask whether the solar street lights produced by this manufacturer are good or not. 3. Look at the bids of solar street light manufacturers. Many small factories keep their prices low in order to compete with large factories, which directly disrupts the entire solar street light market. Generally, the price of solar street light produced by large factories is a bit more expensive because of raw materials and technical research. , Product quality inspection, it is necessary to count the cost, and small factories are not the same in order to get more money, often use cutting corners to reduce the price of solar street lights, many customers buy solar street lights produced by small manufacturers, it is useless After a period of time, solar street lights have various quality problems, which makes customers very tired of solar street lights, which is not conducive to the solar street light market.   There are too many solar solar street lamp manufacturers on the market, and a large part of the service life of solar street lamps is the manufacturer. It is best for customers to consult customer service staff to find out.
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