SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


How long is the service life of solar lamps

by:SRS     2021-06-28
Solar energy is the most environmentally friendly energy source in the 21st century, and solar energy comes from the sun and is inexhaustible. The working principle of solar lamps is to convert the thermal energy in solar energy into light energy. Because the energy comes from the sun, solar lamps are also very environmentally friendly. However, light pollution cannot be avoided during the use of traditional lamps, and some substances harmful to the human body will also be produced. All these problems can be avoided by using solar lamps. Now the country is also vigorously promoting solar lamps. It can be said that solar lamps have become the first choice for low-carbon lighting. Many people pay special attention to the life of the lamp when purchasing solar lamps. How long is the service life of solar lamps?    Generally speaking, solar lamps can be used for more than 15 years, and the service life is very long, but the service life of the lamps will be affected. The influence of many factors, such as man-made damage or the influence of bad weather, etc., will also reduce the service life of solar lamps. Therefore, when using the lamps, we must operate them correctly, and pay attention to maintenance, so that the solar lamps can serve us in a better condition.   There are many types of solar lamps on the market, and the styles are also diversified, adapting to the needs of different consumers. When choosing lamps, you can choose suitable lighting lamps according to the use environment. When choosing lamps, pay special attention to the harmony and unity of the lamps with the surrounding environment, and the style is consistent, so as to have the effect of complementing each other. The price of solar lamps on the market is high and low, and there is a big difference. When you buy lamps, the most important thing is to look at the quality of the lamps. Good quality is worth choosing.   The prices of some solar solar street lamp manufacturers seem to be very affordable, but in fact the lamps will need to be replaced or repaired soon, so the follow-up cost is higher, it is better to spend a little more money to buy a good-quality brand lamp at the beginning. The price of solar lamps is higher than that of ordinary lamps, but they have a longer service life and are not prone to failure. The cost performance is very high and it is worth choosing.
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