SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Because the solar street light, the night of the countryside is more dynamic

by:SRS     2021-03-29
More dynamic because of solar street light, the night of the rural home in the countryside, remember when I was a child, every night, many people like to visit, together play CARDS, tell stories, sole, into hard seeds, smoking, children together to beat, then there is a television, when the TV is not much at the beginning, the whole village people around one or several to watch TV, also very busy, later every family has a TV set, everyone in the evening, at home to watch batteries, would not go out. Road is very dark in the village at night, no one wants to go out, now condition good, battery see also enough, everyone is thinking about to go out at night exercise, enhanced physique. Have a small square in the village, through the solar street lamp, under the village again, someone do to acoustics, someone do to badminton racket, someone do to all kinds of fitness equipment and sports equipment, everybody together, crowds of children like to slide, step walk in space, whipped CARDS together, remote control car. Younger people like to play basketball, square around several light, solar street lamps have the square with brightness, next to all the roads in the village were installed solar street light, the night travel is very convenient, also no longer need to all. and out. Since the village installed solar street light, the entire village at night and restore the past life. Serious warning: this article prohibited reproduced or copied! All rights reserved: WWW. yzmdgd。 com
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