SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Comparison of solar street lights and traditional circuits

by:SRS     2021-06-28
There is an intelligent controller in the solar street light. This controller can quickly replenish the power of the solar battery during the day. At night, it automatically performs lighting work. It is also very convenient to work. However, many people are very comfortable with solar street lights. The advantages are not well understood, so let me take a look at the introduction of the following content, through the introduction of the following content, can help you understand its advantages in time. First, when installing the solar street lights, there is no need to take any wiring. You only need to make a cement base and a place to store the battery. However, the installation of traditional circuit lights is very troublesome, not only It is necessary to lay the cables retrogradely, dig trenches and pipes, then thread in the pipes, and finally cover. This kind of project is very wasteful of manpower and financial resources. If there is a failure in the middle, then later maintenance It is also very troublesome. Second, the cost comparison Solar solar street lamp investment is a one-time, and the time of benefit is also very long. Because the installation is very simple, the later maintenance is also very convenient. Under normal circumstances, the investment will be invested in about six years. The cost is recovered. However, the traditional circuit lamp is not only very expensive, but the circuit is also very complicated. As time gets longer, the circuit aging is inevitable. At the same time, the voltage instability is also easy to cause damage to the solar street lamp, which will be repaired later. The cost will increase. Third, safety comparison. use a low voltage of 12 volts to 24 volts. This low voltage is not only very stable in voltage, but also very safe to operate. The safety hazards of traditional circuit lights are great. Many factors such as the transformation of the power supply or the abnormal power supply will cause great safety hazards to the store’s street lights.  The environmental protection effect of solar solar street light is much better than traditional circuit lights, and the mission of using them is longer than that of circuit lights. The above are the advantages of solar street light. Through the above understanding, I believe everyone already knows.
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