SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


What are the disadvantages of rural solar street lights to avoid

by:SRS     2021-07-13
The appearance of solar street lights in people’s lives can not only provide people with a brighter living environment at night, but also have the characteristics of energy saving and green environmental protection. Therefore, solar street lights have become a development trend in the society now. are also more common. In order to better make such street lights serve the people, whether it is a manufacturer or a researcher engaged in scientific research, even if it is a user, it is necessary to maximize its strengths and avoid weaknesses. So what are the disadvantages of using rural solar street light? First, the economy needs to be further improved. For each village, although it is also making continuous progress and development, after all, it is still relatively backward compared to the big cities. Because the investment cost of Tianyang energy street lamps is relatively high, so This greatly restricts the popularization of solar street lights in rural areas. Therefore, in these areas, we need to conduct better research and design. Second, the cost of equipment for collecting solar energy is relatively high. Many of us feel that solar energy is inexhaustible. For the development and utilization of solar energy facilities, it can be said that it is not only beneficial to the country and the people, but also relatively Convenient. In fact, if you want to convert solar energy into electric energy or heat energy, you need a set of very high fraud facilities and equipment. Such facilities and equipment are also a restriction on the use of rural solar street lights. Third, there is a certain instability of solar radiation. There are intermittent conditions in the facilities and equipment to find solar energy. Not only that, but also reflects a certain degree of instability, so the design and researcher must work hard to be too capable. Energy will become a continuous and stable energy source, which is finally comparable to electricity. Another use problem is the storage of rural solar solar street light energy. We know that solar energy only appears during the day. Then, the use at night and the use of continuous rainy days are all issues that designers and developers should consider. .
The use and installation of solar light is compared with most other systems for managing the custom made solar lights effectively and no doubt solar light have won the race so many times.
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