SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Solar street lamps manufacturers recommend that users rational use of street lamp battery

by:SRS     2021-06-07
With the development and progress of solar photovoltaic technology, first in terms of civil application in lighting lamps and lanterns, in recent years, LED manufacturer's products due to the double advantage of environmental protection and energy saving, solar garden lights and solar lawn lamp, solar lights, etc, has gradually formed the scale of the application of. The solar solar street light battery main function in convert light energy into electrical energy, this phenomenon is called photovoltaic effect. In numerous solar photovoltaic cells more widely and more practical with monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon solar cells and amorphous silicon solar cells and so on three, in the sunlight adequate sunshine good eastern and western regions, using polycrystalline silicon solar cells as well, because of polysilicon solar cell production process is relatively simple, lower than single crystal silicon. In the rainy day more sunlight is not very enough southern region, LED the monocrystalline silicon solar cells, solar street lamp manufacturers recommended for good, relatively stable because of monocrystalline silicon solar cell performance parameters. Amorphous silicon solar battery, of course, in the case of indoor light is very weak is better, because of the amorphous silicon solar battery low demands on the sun light conditions. solar street lamp manufacturers recommend that users rational use of solar street lamp battery & ndash; Manufacturer of LED , 24-hour customer service hotline: if you are interested in outdoor lighting project or have any questions, you are full of sweet sourcing consultant, one-stop integrated service, serve you wholeheartedly!
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