SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Why is the price of LED solar street lights different?

by:SRS     2021-07-07
Compared with traditional lamps and lanterns, solar LED solar street lamps have many advantages, such as long service life, high brightness, no pollution, environmental protection, etc., which are incomparable to ordinary lamps. Because of this, solar LED solar street lights are very popular in the market. The current solar solar street light technology is very advanced, it can be used continuously for a long time, there will be no light pollution, and there is no need to worry about harm to the human body. There are many solar LED solar street lights on the market, and the prices are very different. Many people don’t know what price is suitable when they buy solar street lights. Then, what are the factors that cause the price of solar street lights to be different?    1. Domestic light sources are cheaper than imported light sources, but the quality is also quite different. Domestic solar street lights are relatively economical, and imported light sources, especially those from the United States, Japan, and Taiwan, offer relatively high prices. When you are shopping, you must not choose too cheap lamps to save money. The cheap quality is definitely not much better. At the same time, we must be wary of merchants who are shoddy. Some merchants claim that their products are imported, but the quotation is very low. That is definitely not believed.   2. The system configuration of solar street lights affects the price of street lights. The greater the configuration power, the higher the price. When you buy solar street lights, you must look at the power before choosing.   Third, look at the brand. The higher the brand, the higher the price of solar street lights. Therefore, when you buy solar LED solar street lights, it is best to choose the products of big brands instead of some unlicensed or unknown brand lamps.  There are probably these factors affecting the price of solar street lights. In short, solar LED solar street lights can give us smarter and healthier lighting, which is worth promoting nationwide. The country is indeed vigorously promoting this kind of lighting fixtures. I believe that solar LED solar solar street light will soon be popularized, and it will surely bring a big change to the entire lighting industry. If you want to buy solar LED solar street lights, you must choose a regular solar led solar street light manufacturer and its products.
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