SRS 26 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.

What about industry position of SRS?

We are a well-known brand that produces high quality solar street light. Various in styles, Sky Recources Solar Technology Co.,ltd.'s solar flashlight can meet the needs of different customers. SRS solar powered flashlight with phone charger is produced under advanced chip processing technology and equipment support. The equipment is required to be operated by professional workers so as to ensure product quality. Its battery can be made of lead-acid or LiFePO4 battery. The product features proper sizes. The external toe cap length and the length from heel to toe are all typically measured by inspectors. The product has strong heat dissipation performance.

A commitment to excellence is our company's culture. This requires hard work and dedication. We are striving hard to strengthen our R&D capability. We will enlarge the product differentiation by continuously developing innovative products.
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