SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Solar street lights create environmentally friendly products

by:SRS     2021-06-14
The energy source of solar street lights is sunlight. Solar energy is an inexhaustible energy source. There are no geographical restrictions on its use, and it will not pollute the environment. With the increasing environmental pollution, these advantages make the use of solar energy the best choice for environmental protection. The principle of solar street lamp power generation is: during the day, the crystalline silicon solar panel collects the irradiated sunlight and converts it into electricity for storage. At night, the fully charged battery panel supplies power to the solar street lamp head. Compared with traditional street lamps, solar street lamps using new energy sources have many advantages, so they have gained rapid popularity.   First, solar street lights do not need to lay very complicated lines to supply power, so unlike traditional street lights, the ground does not need to be dug up, saving a lot of manpower and financial resources. In terms of later maintenance, traditional street lights need to dig the ground repeatedly, while the maintenance of solar street light is much easier.  Second, solar street lights do not need power supply, and the power is supplied by the battery panel, which is not affected by power outages. Especially for street lights on highways, power outage is a terrible accident, and solar street lights can avoid this. While saving energy and reducing emissions, it also guarantees the safety of night-driving vehicles because of its circuit independence.   Third, the voltage of solar solar street light is relatively low, lower than the safe voltage of the human body, so it is more secure than ordinary street lights in terms of safety and eliminates hidden dangers in safety.   Fourth, solar street lights use solar energy, which will not harm the environment and are environmentally friendly products. Therefore, it can be used as a publicity point for the green ecological community and bring economic benefits.   are public facilities related to the quality of life. As far as the current development prospect is concerned, it can provide people with high-quality lighting; independent power supply system and low voltage make it very safe; and its energy source is clean and renewable solar energy, which is an environmentally friendly product. Products that use solar energy as an energy source have broad development prospects and can be widely used in lighting products for highways and ecological communities.
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