SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Solar street light manufacturers teach you tips on choosing street lights

by:SRS     2021-06-21
In the construction of a city, the installation of street lights is indispensable. It can bring light to our city and illuminate your way forward. The choice of street lamp lamps is even more diversified, such as led lamps, traditional lamps and so on. The street lamp manufacturer will teach you some tips when choosing street lamps, and then can help you choose the best street lamp. 1. Look at the appearance. When you get the led solar street light, you need to observe the appearance of the board first. The first way to teach you is to judge the quality of the light by the appearance, workmanship and materials of the led solar street light. When choosing a solar street light , This is also the most fundamental criterion.  Second, is there any stroboscopic    street lights installed on the road, no matter what kind of street lights are, it is necessary to ensure that no stroboscopic situation occurs, because the night vision is not very good. If there is a stroboscopic situation of led street lights, which will affect the eyes of passersby, not only will the eyes be hurt, but also the driving will be affected, and the accident will be more serious, so you need to pay more attention.  3. Radiator   Check to see if the radiator of the led street lamp is very dense, so the solar street lamp will emit a lot of heat when it is working. If there is no good heat dissipation effect, it will have an impact on the use time of the led street light.  Four, welding problem  When checking the welding part of the lamp bead of the led solar street lamp, see if there is any problem. Check whether the lamp is scalded, and whether there is glue flowing across the interior.  Fifth, the question of the warranty period  When choosing, how long will the warranty period of the led street lamp be? If the quality of Led is relatively poor, most of them only have a one-year warranty period. Therefore, when choosing led street lights, it is best to choose good quality street lights, so as not to shorten the use time of street lights. Otherwise, more time will be wasted.   These are some tips that everyone needs to master when choosing street lights. In fact, solar street lamp manufacturers have not explained too much on street lamp selection techniques. As street lamp installers and relevant persons in charge, they must understand clearly in order to better choose street lamps.
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