SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Solar street lamps controller control way what time?

by:SRS     2020-04-10

About solar street light, everybody is not strange, but speaking of solar street lamps controller control way what time? Everyone is a little touched not pure mind. In fact, solar street light controller is a data acquisition and monitoring control of a device, it has the function of serial communication data transmission, solar street lamp intelligent charge and discharge and the remote control management. A lot of people in the process of using solar energy street light controller, don't know how to adjust time of solar street light, small make up answers for you today: a, electric basic led solar street lamp, control mode, application more convenient. This controller does not need to adjust time, automatically destroy induction light intensity to control light lamp, destroy after installation without depending on the season to adjust light lamp time, automatic out during the day, evening light automatically. The electric control now lithium electricity solar street lamps application range. Some customers will ask if it is cloudy, street lamp will automatically light? The need to see cloudy effect, under the common effect of cloudy, is not bright, light, only under extreme will certainly appear this kind of cloudy conditions also need lights, and solar street light than the advantage of the mains LED street lamp is in extreme weather can also lighting, because the voltage is 12 v safe electricity, not afraid of leakage. 2, when the control is also commonly used solar street lamps control time, is to advance the reservation time, arrived at a certain time or bright lights lamp, it is relating to a little trouble, is the need to destroy depending on the season to adjust light lamp time, lest cause street lamp light not in time. Now compare the advanced control controller can remote modification time. Through the above two basic way also can undertake different combinations, such as electric light + point out the lamp when, when control + electric bright lights lighting combinations. As my company's solar street light is given priority to with optical time, so that customers don't have to regard the specialist to control time, also won't cause unnecessary waste of electricity, the overall price is relatively cheaper. Now divided into separate solar street lamps and solar lamp, solar street lamps split type solar street lamps controller generally in light pole, open the light pole protection cover can see the controller. Adjust according to set the switch is ok, not very hard, but many controller switch means in English as a means, if without the instructions don't regulate as far as possible, lest cause damage to the controller street lamp is not bright. Solar lamp controller are integrated in the lamp holder, if you want to adjust the need to climb the pole and the pole down, open the lamp holder to adjust, need to use special open lamp holder tool, so the solar energy lamp integrated generally cannot adjust, unless you buy solar street light remote regulating function. Adjustment time is more than two types of solar street lamp, in simple terms the main controller, don't need to adjust the rest parts. Here remind you like to buy you install led solar street lamp, solar street light is used for lighting at night, so the whole night light for people is also a good thing, because everyone has the possibility of coming home late, if late found the road was dark, the lights will become a decoration, let the street lamp illuminates the streetlights at any time, ensure that everyone has home street lamp light, can safely home. 
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