SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


Setting standards for poles of solar street lights

by:SRS     2021-06-08
When we walk on the road, we often think that the street lights on both sides are very beautiful, but people may not pay attention to the street lights on both sides of the road, but the poles of the street lights. Their uniform standards have played a beautifying role for the entire city. At first glance, it feels very comfortable, so is there a certain set standard when installing the pole of the solar street light? How can we achieve a special and beautiful look?   The material used for the pole of the solar street light is generally steel The silicon content of steel is relatively low. Generally, the steel used is high-quality steel. The high-quality steel is bent into a tapered rod. The diameter of the upper mouth of the tapered rod is about 85 mm, while the diameter of the lower mouth is about 85 mm. It needs to reach about 200 mm. The light pole is generally made of steel with a thickness of four millimeters, and then a layer of zinc needs to be plated on the outside to protect the light pole. The outside surface of the light pole is required. It is made to be very smooth, and there must be no unevenness. The appearance of the light pole should have no obvious defects, so that whether it is viewed from a distance or close up, it can leave a beautiful impression. The distance between the luminaires of solar street light and the ground is a uniform standard. Generally, the distance from the ground to the ground on the motorway is set to 11.5 meters, and the distance from the ground to the ground on the sidewalk is set to 8.5 meters, which should be on both sides of the road. For cross-arrangement, the distance between the light poles is generally 50 meters. The power of the street lights on the motor vehicle lanes should be set higher, and the power of the street lights on the sidewalks can be appropriately lower. The service life needs to be relatively long, and generally undergoes anti-corrosion treatment, so that the service life can be as long as 20 years. During the installation process of solar street lights, in order to achieve a beautiful effect, it is necessary to know the selection and installation of light poles. The distance between the light poles should be selected appropriately, high-quality steel should be selected, the appropriate size should be selected, and the corresponding anti-corrosion treatment should be done. It can have a longer service life during use.
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