SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.

Quality assurance of solar street light with panel and battery

A reliable, stable, and exquisite separate solar street Iight is provided by Sky Recources Solar Technology Co.,ltd.. Various in styles, SRS's solar flashlight can meet the needs of different customers. Coated with lacquer, SRS [solar garden lights is designed with a tough structure and glossy appearance. It is an innovative combination of aesthetics and practicability. Powered by the sunlight, it needs zero electricity charges. One of the key strengths of this product is that after the parts it joins are disconnected and the compression forces acting on it are removed, it will return to its original shape. The product is independently developed with a patent.

What sets us apart from the rest is the tenet that we pay ample attention to the needs of our target market. For this reason, we plan to extend our services in the long term, thereby reaching out to a larger target market. Inquire now!
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