SRS 23 years Professional in PV intelligent application,solar powered street lights.


A lamp that install solar street lamps need how long?

by:SRS     2021-04-12
A lamp that install solar street lamps need how long? The installation of solar street lamps have a certain order, in theory at least need a week's time, because there is a time sequence of steps. 1 do embedded parts, at least a week in advance, because the concrete solidification period for 7 days, so this time should be concrete and waiting for the solidification period, if it is too dry for water, to help cement solidification. 2, if the ideal, the last day to finish the job, it's 7 days can complete the installation of solar street lamps, that is to say, we installed a light solar street light is the fastest time is 7 days, of course, a lot of people can't wait for 7 days, concrete has installed there are three days, if the condition allows, you can use the rapid hardening concrete, just a few minutes can be solidified, so, that is, one day can finish the installation of solar street light. 3, fewer solar street lamps we can say that if quantity solar street lamps, and enough hands, basically made up of four people a group can finish 10 - a day 20 the installation of solar street light.
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